Monday, January 20, 2014

Update on the Yaks

They are multiplying at an incredible rate. At first there were four yaks, a few weeks later there were about eight, but now there are about 16. It's hard to get an accurate count as I drive by each day trying to get to work on time. One person told me they are Yattle (plural) or yows (singular), a mixture of cow and yak. I surely don't know.
I stopped one morning to get a few pictures. This is the big bull of the yak crowd.  He prefers to lay under the few pines along the fence line. Phew what a stench! Even on a frosty winter morning. I pity the people who live in the houses near by come summer.
Most of the herd is black but a few feature some white fur... hair...ah wool.
The south end of north going yak. This one was camera shy.

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