Monday, February 24, 2014

Lucky day.

Big day for animal sightings.  Early this February morning a moose. Yea! I had  my camera. I grabbed it at the last minute as I ran out the door. Now, eye to eye with a moose.
 The moose blinks first and heads off into the trees.
Down the road I spotted a flock of wild turkeys.

I have seen the turkeys several times, this time I had my camera ready.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Downside of a beautiful mountain commute. Snow

Snow, snow, snow and of course I have to go to work.

Ski resorts are happy about the new snow but I don't recommend going skiing on a day like this, but tomorrow will be a tremendous day for power skiers. Wish I had tomorrow off.

The pass is 7% grade up and then 8% grade down the other side. I followed this truck full of construction materials going down. With the wind in some areas it was hard to see!  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I love the colors of each season, the early morning sun on the mountains and the dramatic clouds.